
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Activities I Dream of! (Extreme Sports??)

Posted by Unknown at 4:13 PM

I would do these activities in the near future!!
I swear!!
Well some maybe extreme sports.. Geez.. they're a bit scary

Sky Diving
Though I'm scare of heights and seas, heart attacks and accidents..
I would dare do this..
including those formations they do..
I really I hope I can do..


Sources: Flickr and thecoachingchronicles

Probably I'll go to Austria to do this.. 
or perhaps.. Korea? I think they have places for this too..
It would be nice to have some visit to near forest while skiing..
Add to that.. I also love nature..
I like the view..


Bungee Jumping
Sources: Flixya and outdoor-wedding-ideas-and-planning-guide.com

Of all these activities I think this one is stress relieving activity!
Imagine yourself falling from that tall building.. probably 100 meters from the ground!
Release all your stress and bad vibes with your enormous shouting!!!
Yeah.. hope I won't pass out when I do this..

And this is a good before wedding activity.. very sweet..

Zip Lining

Haha just let go and you'll get to the next end of the line

Ok I have nothing else to say or to share.. I have no experience of these activities. But I would want to have some. I'm not really a sporty person or something. I've actually failed with my sport subjects.. (with the actual play-offs we had) but to be honest I WANT TO BE A SPORTY PERSON!! I really do..And I hope I can do all these activities in the near future.. 


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